

The current viewpoint of the human body is that bones are the structure, but the truth is, that none of the bones in the body touch, except for the teeth, the rib cage and the ears. We view the fascia as the structure and the bones and muscles as the support system to that structure. Therefore, working on the body to brace the bones and try to control the direction of the bones does not appear to be the best approach.

Fascia is the primarily structure directing bones, tendons, organs, and nerves in their movement. Fascia is sensitive to hydration and contracts significantly during emotional events. When we store an emotional event in the body, contracting and winding affects the overall posture and movement of the body, and overtime habituating further dysfunction that can be seen when looking at the bones of the spine now being labeled as scoliosis.

With the thousands of people with this diagnosis reporting to us today, we found that the people who have been the most successful, have started off with the 28 Day reset. This is because it resets all of the systems in the body, including the G.I. tract, reducing internal tension and inflammation, which causes more torquing and winding in the facial system. The key elements of the 28 Day reset affecting scoliosis, are the rebuilding of the digestive system, the mineralization and hydration of the facial system, and the outlet to process the emotions.

Here is a link to an article on dehydration of the fascia

The photos illustrate the progress after the consecutive two month repetition of the 28 Day reset and you can see that the midsection of the body has straightened itself.

One of the most important contributors to emotional dysregulation are chemicals that are in our environment, In our care products, and in our food. Take a look at the supplement guide below and start implementing practices.

Click below to view and download our supplement guide

When dealing with a Scoliosis Dysfunction, most often the fascial tightness is being held at the arms, legs, head and shoulders and experienced or felt at the spine. While in the 28 Day reset we recommend that you complete the Upper and Lower Resets on an alternative daily basis combining these with the Barefoot Sprinter Routine #2, which includes a wrist and hand release.

Here are the links:

Upper reset

Lower reset

Barefoot sprinter routine #2

Ankles, calves, shins, hamstrings, feet, wrists and knees 

Here is a video on Fascia magnified 25 times:

In the video below one of our LifeStyle Artist had been doing Fascial Manuevers for three months. Garry completely corrected the Scoliosis on a live within 60 minutes at this point. This is possible when someone has been doing Fascial Manuevers for sometime because the body is flexible and the fascia is open and receives change easily.

The movements that are done in the above video are in the partner maneuver series, and you findings on our website below.

We recommend completing the fascial maneuver practice between 20 and 40 minutes, and in addition one to two times a week doing a partner maneuver session. This frequency seems the best for resolving scoliosis, long-term.

Here is a video relating to table work and Scoliosis:

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