Crohn's, Colitis and Diverticulosis


After a decade of working with Crohn’s, Colitis and Diverticulosis in the Human Garage Clinic, we found that there were very similar issues occurring in the digestive system.

The most common issues with these diagnoses, was dehydration of the fascia causing compression and torquing of the G.I. tract, specifically around the attachment between the small intestine and the large intestine (colon) called the Ileocecal valve.

The intestines look and feel like sausage casing and are easily disrupted by adhesions caused in surgery and chronic sitting.

When the fascia is dehydrated, sitting down causes the organs and layers of fascia to stick together, pulling the Ileocecal valve out of place and just regulating the function, leaving it partially locked open or closed.

When closed it causes chronic bloating and distention of the stomach. When open, bacteria from the small intestine, which is used to process and digest food, leaks into the large intestine continuing to process and break down the waste causing diarrhea and loose stools.

Furthermore we also noticed that emotions like grief, depression, fear and anxiety, go along with these diagnoses and are one of the primary contributors to the problem.

When your body is in pain, these emotions peak, firing stress hormones, causing more contraction in the G.I. tract and escalating the levels of pain by doubling the pain sensation.

With thousands of people going through our programs, we have noticed that the following activities have reduced symptoms, and in many cases entirely reversed the disease process.

The Lower Reset protocol is the daily activities at the core which reduce the stress in the body by 75-90% of the stress from the body. In addition to removing the stress, it opens up the ileocecal valve and reduces Fascial additions around the intestines, allowing intestines to flow properly. I personally perform this routine 1 to 2 times per day. I often combine it with other routines and individual Fascial Maneuvers from YouTube and social media. The important part is to reduce stress daily.

You can find the Lower Reset routine on our website

In addition to the complete lower reset, we suggest that you do the Psoas release at least twice per day to continue to allow that adhesions to break up making it easier for the body to digest, process and eliminate food.

Dehydration of fascia

The people that have reported the greatest amount of relief and reversals of the disease process usually have come out of a 28 day reset program. We strongly suggest that you go through the process to the 28 day Reset as it is designed to completely rebuild your G.I. tract from a physical and a bacterial point of view while helping you release more emotional trauma that it is connected to, and triggering the disease itself.

One thing to note is the scientist who invented and patented PowerCurc30 developed the formulation to help himself reverse chronic Colitis. People have found the most relief and success using 6 to 12 tablets per day.

Any disease that involves the digestive tract needs to have a daily maintenance routine because we are constantly putting food into our bodies. We also further recommend that intermittent fasting and fasting as it gives the body more time to work on the G.I. tract and this increases recovery.

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