Dehydration of Fascia


In our opinion, dehydration of fascial tissue is one of the most common causes of body pain and dysfunction, both physical, emotional, and neurological. When the body is dehydrated, fascia contracts, squeezing everything that is contained in it. All of our organs, bones, muscles, tendons, glands, nerves, veins, and blood vessels live inside the fascia and are contracted when we are dehydrated.

We have observed that all treatment reverses itself within minutes to days, weeks, or months based on the hydration of the fascia.

To address this issue, we recommend a high dose of Silica, preferably in the form of Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth and Irish Sea moss, which contains 94 of the 102 minerals that the body needs. If you are able to, please purchase the Foundation Bundle of supplements on our website, in our store. We have PowerCurc30, which releases inflammation in the fascia globally in the body within 45 minutes of use. We also have Fascial Flow, which reconnects all of the electricity in the body and helps balance the thyroid, and Fascial Foundation, which cleans out and repairs the small intestine, as well as tissues, including hair, nails, and skin. This combination of supplements has proven to be the most effective in releasing and relieving fascia, calming the entire nervous system

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