Osteoporosis and Osteopenia


The big question is, how did we get here. To make it as simple as possible the blood is the regulator of the human body. Whatever the body needs it gets from the blood and whatever the blood needs, it will get from the body to redistribute.

For example, if you are having an absorption issue, and your body is not absorbing calcium your body will steal calcium from the bones. This leaching effect happens for 15 to 20 years in a little bit and all of a sudden there’s a diagnosis. The body is highly adaptive, and it takes a lot to put the body into a position where it is depleting its own resources.

The first thing that we think of is to take more calcium. But that’s not how the body works. The body was meant to react to stimulus, so taking calcium will then cause something else in the body to react.

It doesn’t solve the problem, long-term and quite often, and mostly does not solve it short term either.

Our body is mostly made of silica, and there is more silica in your bones than there is calcium. If we have even a moderate to small silica deficiency, the body does not absorb and process calcium and other minerals properly. When the body has malabsorption minerals, it doesn’t hold water and it causes dysregulation of hormones. It’s a cascading series of problems with one element missing.

In today’s environment, chemicals in our skies, our food, and in health and pharmaceutical products highly deplete silica. Diatomaceous Earth has 80% silica and contains diatoms that clean and exfoliate the G.I. tract. It provides the body with the base element that is being depleted, allowing for the absorption and processing of minerals and water, which aids in every bodily function, including hormonal regulation.

We recommend people take diatomaceous earth, and Irish moss as a way of replenishing what’s been depleted and let the body do the rest.

With a diagnosis like this, we highly recommend working your way to the 28 day full life reset, as a way of resetting the entire body, including the G.I. tract. With tens of thousands of people going through these programs we have found this to be the most successful way for people to help themselves with Osteoporosis and Osteopenia.

Here is an article on dehydration of the fascia


Here is the link to enroll in the resets


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