Minerals and the Importance of them in the body


Minerals and the Importance of them in the body

Minerals are important for our body’s to stay healthy. Our body uses minerals for many different reasons, including keeping your bones, muscles, heart, and brain working properly as well as by  enzymes and hormones. When we are deficient in any of the minerals, this affects the body's ability to produce the proper enzymes, and hormones, which affects our digestion process, and all of the electrical processes in the body that allows us to function. 

You would think that just consuming minerals that you were lacking would be enough, but this is not how the body works. The body has a very sophisticated interdependent model, and when the body is lacking something it needs, it will extract it from somewhere else and work around the issue, leaving a bigger lack in another area or function of the body. 

It’s important to understand how elements and minerals work together and we will explain them a little bit later on. 

There are two kinds of minerals: macrominerals and trace minerals aka elements.  You need larger amounts of macrominerals. They include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chloride and sulfur. You only need small amounts of trace minerals. They include iron, manganese, copper, iodine, zinc, cobalt, fluoride and selenium and of course, the most important one is silica.  When you look at all of the research papers and articles that have been written, specifically by the medical community, silica is listed, but not highlighted, which is problematic, because without silica, none of the other trace minerals (elements) or macro minerals work correctly. What we found is that when somebody is taking all of the other minerals and lacking silica None of the other minerals seem to absorb or function properly, causing chronic dehydration, hormone dysregulation, and somatic problems, contributing digestive issues and lead to autoimmune disease. 

Stating that Fluoride as a trace mineral would be essential, would be shocking to most health-conscious people. We are referring to Systemic or Ionic Flouride which is not to be confused with Topical fluoride which is placed into water and toothpaste and by the FDA standards, is a neurotoxin. Systemic Fluoride, also known as Ionic Flouride is one of the 102 minerals that your body is made up of. Ionic Fluoride appears in nature, naturally and specifically in mountain water. We do not believe or suggest that there is any use of Topical Fluoride for any reason. 

There are chemicals in our daily lives that dramatically affect our bodies ability to process and use elements and minerals.

Here is the link to an article and video on Chemtrails: 


Here is the link to the supplement guide; https://support.humangarage.net/en/articles/903745

When the body is missing silica, none of the minerals process properly, and the body starts to dehydrate, causing constrictions in the fascia, both physically and through information flow. 

Here is the link to an article on dehydration of the fascia; https://support.humangarage.net/en/articles/899777 

We have found that most people are deficient in silica and by adding silica to their body the  body starts absorbing and processing minerals and water correctly. It’s important to note that if your body is deficient in any of the minerals, it starts at the building blocks of the trace elements and when the trace elements are all in place, the body begins to regulate itself properly. 

Through our clinical practice and the Reset programs we have observed hundreds of thousands of people commenting and reporting back about their successes, by adding silica and Irish Sea moss. In addition to Irish Sea moss, we do recommend taking Bladderwrack which brings all 102 minerals into your system.

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