Pots & General Tachycardia


Thank you for reaching out. There has been an increasing number of requests to assist people who have POTS and general Tachycardia.  

We believe that the body is a pressurized system, where we see the heart working as a valve, spinning the blood, rather than the traditional view that the heart is a pump. The circulatory system uses the lungs and the calves as the primary mechanism to pump the blood throughout the body. Movement of the body through activities such as walking, will help the circulatory system perform properly.  

Dr. Gil Headly dissects the heart and explains the spinning spirals of the human heart center, and reflects upon the nature of the heart center as the place where the blood refreshes its movement, as well as its 02 levels. 


Being a pressurized system of the heart in mind and knowing that the blood circulates every 45 seconds, we look at the things that have a major impact on the flow and pressure to the heart that cause dysfunction. These are chronic dehydration of the facial tissue along with compression of the fascia around the chest head, neck and shoulders, causing a tightening of the muscles and in turn, overworking the heart muscles.  

 We have found that when people with this diagnosis use minerals and elements that we recommend in the hydration protocol, linked below, as well as the maneuvers, they report a reduction of symptoms within seven days to three weeks.  

This combination opens up the areas of compression around the rib cage, and provides more space and flow, for the pressure of the body to regulate itself allowing for sudden changes and pressure in the heart and the circulatory system.  

Fascial Maneuvers reduce tension on all of the organs, tendons, nerves and muscles in the body. Reduction of stress on the body allows the body to heal and reduces symptomatic responses from other things like tachycardia. 

The most effective routine to target this is the upper Reset listed below which you can alternate with lower reset on alternate day but include a daily Bare Foot Sprinter routine#2.  


Upper Reset

Barefoot sprint...

Because the entire body works as one unit and every system is involved in a dysfunction like this I would recommend working your way towards the 28 day reset because we have observed that tachycardia comes with chronic dehydration of the fascial tissue. 




Take care

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